Will President Trump Legalize Online Gambling in the US?
There are two questions on every online casino Canada player’s mind given the 2016 Presidential Election of the United States: will Trump cause World War III, and will he legalize online gambling in the US?
We don’t want to get into the first question, but the second is right up our alley. It’s an interesting thought, and the potential impact could very well have an impact on Canadian digital gamblers.
President Trump is no stranger to casinos. In fact, he’s built a few, and while they were unsuccessful, perhaps he can be successful with getting some legislation passed. He’s clearly for the concept of opening a casino and lessening the restrictions on new business, so it may just be on the horizon.
Donald Trump has actually stated publicly that he’s for online gambling, and even said that the United States is missing out on the potential money stream. He received a license in New Jersey to pursue an iGaming company, but he never went forward with it. However, it’s safe to say that the interest level is there, even if it’s a slight one.
One thing to consider first and foremost is whether or not he’ll even get around to talking about online gaming within the first four years of his presidency, and if it does have to wait until the second term, it’s increasingly becoming apparent that we may never see the day come. With that being said, his merely mentioning an issue causes some serious stir, so if he brings it up, it could bring it into the conversation at some level.
Another valid question would be: How would Trump’s decision affect the online casino Canada player? That would definitely be dependent on how the US and Canadian governments handle the agreement. Since Canada has a monopoly over the gambling industry, it’s not tough to imagine the fact that they would demand the US block players in their country from joining their casino. That’s a pretty feasible scenario given the number of online casinos that block US and Canadian players for fear of facing regulatory action.
With that being said, the US Government might take online gambling upon themselves, creating a monopoly system like the one in Canada. But the Republicans in the House and Senate are very much against regulating business, so if they’re going to make it legal during Trump’s administration, it’s safe to say they’re going to make it privatized.
If they do, however, make it a government organization like they do with the lottery, then it’s not hard to imagine the two bordering governments working out an agreement to allow their players to play at online casinos in either country if compliance is comparable. This would mean a lot more options for both Canadian and American players. Further, if it is privatized in America, Canadian players might have the option to play if those private American companies are compliant.
This is all obviously just speculation. A big reason for Australia and Canada keeping their gambling internal is to keep the money players may lose in the community, at least to some degree. Allowing players to play American would mute that motivation pretty much instantly.
If the Trump Administration does legalize online gambling in the US, it will most likely affect online casino Canada players if they visit the US, which, by the looks of things at the time of writing this article, may come into jeopardy as well.
We live in a messed up time. Thank God we have online casinos for some relaxing fun and excitement.
Good luck, have fun, and stay safe!
Written for online-casino.ca by Paul Lucas - 10-02-2017